A sense of color and sound is the treasure of life

~ Support artists, spread the excitement of color and sound, and live in harmony with nature, the greatest teacher of expression~

Sensitivity to color and sound is nurtured in nature. Through the expression of color and sound, we cultivate aesthetic sense and culture, and propose a way of life that values the uniqueness of climate, culture, nature, and language. This is Gekkoso’s all-time mission.

Five major characteristics of Gekkoso

At the Gekkoso Group, we hold the following five elements as common values that we must uphold.

  1. Simple and sturdy
    Not influenced by trends, profound and honest. High quality, yet simple and unpretentious, durable and long-lasting. 
    If you are unsure, have the courage to simplify. It is in simplicity that the true essence appears.
  2. Tanka approach(Poetic approach)
    Margins: Rather than creating an instruction manual full of information, we adopt a tanka(poetic)-approach that creates space for the imagination by stripping away excess detail, and facilitating concise expression. We try to include more text in the margins than a full-length novel. 

    Universality:Practicality can only be understood through long-term use. The genuine article never gets boring. 

    Sensibility x Sensitivity x Emotion: Pursuing beauty that manifests itself under certain conditions while flexing our emotions. Functional beauty that is practical rather than flashy. Think hard, feel more.
  3. The circle of life
    People: Creating a place where people of all ages, genders, and from various industries and genres can meet, interact, and exchange ideas and aesthetic sensibilities.
    Staff members develop their strengths through their work and look for ways to neutralize their weaknesses within the team.

    Objects: Use dustcloths instead of disposable wipes. Make use of everything until it can't be used anymore.

    Economy: Artists purchase supplies, create art works, frame, exhibit and sell them. The goal is to create a cycle whereby money earned can be used to purchase supplies for the next work.

    Life: How do we ingest the life of animals and plants, and how does what we excrete return to us? We will regain a way of life that allows us to experience this cycle. Beauty only blossoms when it is connected to life itself.
  4. Take ownership
    Bring creativity and a sense of responsibility to all your work and products. Incorporate your ideas into any task, no matter how small or large, and take the initiative to make each task your own.
  5. Esprit
    Justice has its thorns. When you want to convey what is right, add a pinch of subtly sexy and poisonous humour to ensure the thorns don't prick anyone.